Invitation for presentation on New Genomic Technics of Prof. VanBuren on 29.09.2023 in Sofia

The world is facing the increasing challenges of climate change, food security, and ensuring quality of life for a growing population!

How can New Genomic Technics (NGT) in medicine, agriculture, and industry address these challenges?

What are the achievements, challenges and concerns?

Why is Europe launching a broad public debate on regulatory changes dealing with NGT and their products?


The Plant Biotechnology Information Center of AgroBioInstitute Sofia in partnership with U.S. Embassy Sofia, is organizing a special event to answer those and many other questions.


We welcome you on 29 September 2023 at 10.30

at the Grand Hall of the American College of Sofia

for the official launch of National Young People Essay ContestNew Genomic Techniques for better human life! Learned from Nature –Applied in the Lab”

Featuring presentations by Assoc. Prof. Robert VanBuren from Michigan State University and Prof. Dimitar Djilianov, Agrobioinstitute Sofia

Followed by Q&A.


For more information and contacts:;; +359 885033160;;

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